What is Moon Love?


     Moon Love symbolizes the Love, Care, Respect, Comfort, Joy between the two or any friendship relation. Billions of people around the world but only one friend that loves you from the heart, does everything for you, sacrifices his or her life to you, an unbreakable promise, an eternity friendship, and an endless love to you forever. That is your best friend (a husband, a wife, a friend, a business partner, a lover…) like billion trillion stars in the universe but only the moon can shine to you in your darkest time. Kindness, generosity, loyalty, and honesty will lead you to a meaningful life, and relationships are actually the most important thing in the world.

What is Batik?

Hmong batik is unique to the Hmong people and requires many complex steps and countless hours of work and skill to create.  Traditional Hmong designs are carefully drawn onto the handwoven hemp fabric using a special stylus. The lines are drawn with hot beeswax gathered from the forest. Many of the symbols within the patterns are ancient traces from a written language that was lost through the difficult migration to Laos. Few Hmong batik masters still understand the meaning of these symbols.

The hemp fabric with the wax drawing is then immersed in a bath of natural indigo and dyed a beautiful deep blue. The wax resists the indigo dye, and then a beautiful pattern emerges. Traditionally, the resulting fabric is sewn into beautiful garments that can last a lifetime. It is imperative that the knowledge and skill can be passed to the next generation. Moon Love Batik supports the last Hmong Batik Master in Luang Prabang in an effort to honor and respect her knowledge of this ancient art form. Profits from your purchase directly support the artist and the future of traditional Hmong batik.